SMM Packages

Social Media Marketing Packages & Pricing India

Your business needs an experienced digital marketing agency to handle your social media that integrates across different channels.
  • Google Friendly Website Code
  • Social Media Integration
  • Analytics Setup
  • Custom Profile
  • UI Design
  • Ecommerce 

Why do Businesses Need SMM Package ?

Customers are on Social Media & Online Virtually all the Time

Social media allows marketers to connect and engage potential customers where they are at: LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and even some of the younger platforms like TikTok. With a strong social media strategy and the ability to create engaging content, marketers can engage their audience.

Why it’s Important for B2B Companies to be on Social Media

Even though B2B companies seek to sell products to other businesses, B2B marketing is still built on human relationships. Social media has long been used to help grow these relationships, but its importance accelerated last year.

Without in-person events, B2B marketers needed an outlet to connect with prospects and partners. And they found they could do this most effectively via social platforms.

By using social media, B2B leaders:

  • Build brand awareness and trust: Across different platforms, companies can tell their story, why they provide the services they offer, and keep audiences updated with customer and employee stories.


  • Generate leads and build community: Create meaningful conversations and engagement within their target industry by posting videos, news, data, and interesting trends.
  • Implement social listening: Listen to customers and what people are saying about their company.
  • Connect social posts to opportunities: With the right enterprise solution, leaders can drive customer posts to their CRM to understand customers more fully.
  • Measure marketing efforts: Social media platforms and management tools enable you to track key performance metrics (KPIs).

If you want to connect and engage with your future customers, you have to be where they are. And that’s largely on social media.

SMM Pricing Packages In India

Social Media Marketing Solution Perfect For Your Brand

SMM Packages

20,000 INR/250 USD
Ads Spend – Rs.10,000

(It will be paid to ads platform)

Agency Ad Management Fee: 8K INR
Account Management – 2
Creation Of Campaign – 1
Facebook Marketing
Facebook Business Manager Set Up
Pixel Installation
Custom Conversion Creation
Custom Audience Creation
Creation Of Automated Rules
Facebook Analytics Report Creation
Ad Campaign Monitoring
Catalogue Creation
Dynamic Ads Creation
Instant Experience Ads Creation
Customization Of Ad Placements
A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative &
Carousel And Collection Ads
Traffic Monitoring
Monthly Report
Instagram Marketing
Audience Research
Instagram Ads Creative Creation & Design
Instagram Ads Monitoring And Management
T&C Apply

SMM Packages

40,000 INR/500 USD
Ads Spend – Rs.25,000

(paid to platform)

Our Management Fee – Rs. 15,000
Account Management – 3
Creation Of Campaign – 3
Facebook Marketing
Facebook Business Manager Set Up
Pixel Installation
Custom Conversion Creation
Custom Audience Creation
Creation Of Automated Rules
Facebook Analytics Report Creation
Ad Campaign Monitoring
Catalogue Creation
Dynamic Ads Creation
Instant Experience Ads Creation
Customization Of Ad Placements
A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative &
Carousel And Collection Ads
Traffic Monitoring
Monthly Report
Instagram Marketing
Audience Research
Instagram Ads Creative Creation & Design
Instagram Ads Monitoring And Management
LinkedIn Marketing
Campaign Manager Account Set Up
LinkedIn Insight Tag Installation
Creation Of Custom Conversion
Ads Monitoring
Monthly Report
Youtube Marketing
Youtube Ad Account Set Up
Skippable In-Stream Ads
Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads
Bumper Ads
Discovery Ads
Youtube Video Sequence Ads
Detailed Audience Creation
Custom Audience Creation
A/B Testing Of Targeting
Remarketing Video Ads
Video Ads With Promotion Of Your
Monthly Report
Twitter Marketing
Tweet Engagement Ads
Video Or GIF View Ads
Awareness Ads
Website Conversion Ads
In-stream Video View Ads
Follower Ads
App Install Ads
App Reengagement
Audience Creation
Monthly Report
T&C Apply

SMM Packages

75,000 INR/900 USD
Ads Spend – Rs.50,000
Our Management Fee – Rs. 25,000
Account Management – 5
Creation Of Campaign – 6
Facebook Marketing
Facebook Business Manager Set Up
Pixel Installation
Custom Conversion Creation
Custom Audience Creation
Creation Of Automated Rules
Facebook Analytics Report Creation
Ad Campaign Monitoring
Catalogue Creation
Dynamic Ads Creation
Instant Experience Ads Creation
Customization Of Ad Placements
A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative &
Carousel And Collection Ads
Traffic Monitoring
Monthly Report
Instagram Marketing
Audience Research
Instagram Ads Creative Creation & Design
Instagram Ads Monitoring And Management
LinkedIn Marketing
Campaign Manager Account Set Up
LinkedIn Insight Tag Installation
Creation Of Custom Conversion
Ads Monitoring
Monthly Report
Youtube Marketing
Youtube Ad Account Set Up
Skippable In-Stream Ads
Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads
Bumper Ads
Discovery Ads
Youtube Video Sequence Ads
Detailed Audience Creation
Custom Audience Creation
A/B Testing Of Targeting
Remarketing Video Ads
Video Ads With Promotion Of Your
Monthly Report
Twitter Marketing
Tweet Engagement Ads
Video Or GIF View Ads
Awareness Ads
Website Conversion Ads
In-stream Video View Ads
Follower Ads
App Install Ads
App Reengagement
Audience Creation
Monthly Report
T&C Apply

Digital Marketing Services Trusted by


Have any questions ? Connect with Support on Whatsapp

Social media marketing (SMM) refers to the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others to promote products or services, build brand awareness, engage with customers, and drive website traffic. It involves creating and sharing content, running advertising campaigns, and interacting with users to achieve marketing objectives.

Social media marketing offers numerous benefits for businesses, including increased brand visibility, enhanced customer engagement, direct communication with target audiences, opportunities for audience targeting and segmentation, access to valuable customer insights and feedback, and the ability to drive website traffic and conversions.
The ideal social media platforms for your business depend on factors such as your target audience demographics, industry, and marketing objectives. It’s essential to conduct audience research to determine which platforms your target audience uses most frequently and tailor your social media strategy accordingly.

Yes, many businesses choose to outsource their social media marketing to professional agencies like ours. Outsourcing allows you to leverage the expertise of experienced marketers, save time and resources, stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, and focus on other aspects of your business while knowing that your social media presence is in capable hands.

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